Aug 5, 2015

Get Prepared for Hunting Season

When hunting season comes back around, you want to make sure you’re fully prepared so that you don’t miss out on any precious time. Though for many of you this is a routine hobby, there are several big and small things that might be easily forgotten. There are many things you need to remember when doing any type of hunting, and a few things that are specific to the type of animal you are looking for.

Hunting Reminders:

  • Make sure your firearms are not illegally loaded while traveling to your destination
  • Make sure your license is valid and on you at all times
  • The night before your hunting excursion, remember to wash with all with non-scented items such as: shampoos, conditioners, body washes, soaps, or lotions – animals can easily sense human smells
  • Make sure you are able to set up your tree stand as well as getting into it safely and sturdily (if you use one, you may want to practice this prior to your hunt)

What to Bring:

  • Tic repellant
  • Thick boots that will protect your feet against all elements
  • Guns, spears, or arrows with all of the proper supplies
  • Knife
  • Hunting cart
  • Camera – if you want to catch a picture of you and your prize!